Basically 12.04 seems to work much better, but still 3D acceleration or lack of it causes some headache. There are instructions here and there about running Ubuntu with GMA500 graphics, but I think the easiest solution is to use kernel from 12.10 repos and with that one you don't need to have modifications in multiple places.
To keep up-to-date with kernel changes add two files:
1) /etc/apt/sources.list.d/quantal.list
------- 8< ------- 8< -------
# Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal Repositories deb quantal-security main universe restricted multiverse deb-src quantal-security main universe restricted multiverse deb quantal-updates main universe restricted multiverse deb-src quantal-updates main universe restricted multiverse deb quantal main universe restricted multiverse deb-src quantal main universe restricted multiverse------- >8 ------- >8 -------
2) /etc/apt/preferences.d/quantal-kernel
------- 8< ------- 8< -------
Package: * Pin: release n=quantal Pin-Priority: -1 Package: linux-generic Pin: release n=quantal Pin-Priority: 1001 Package: linux-headers* Pin: release n=quantal Pin-Priority: 1001 Package: linux-image* Pin: release n=quantal Pin-Priority: 1001------- >8 ------- >8 -------
To upgrade to your new kernel run:
# sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get dist-upgradeSo far this seems to provide best graphics experience so far with booklet.
Because I like to use Gnome instead of Unity, I tried to run gnome-shell, but it didn't work out of the box so I ended up using old gnome session. In the end this is what I was using earlier too. There are people using LLVM Pipe for 3D acceleration and you should be able to run gnome-shell with it, but I didn't have enough time to make it work. To get some more up-to-date components for gnome in Ubuntu 12.04 run:
# sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # sudo apt-get install gnome
While doing my experiments, I realized that nowadays you can hardcode wifi WPA settings into /etc/network/interfaces file and this helps a lot if you can boot to console only. Just add to /etc/network/interfaces:
------- 8< ------- 8< -------
iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid "------- >8 ------- >8 -------" wpa-psk "your passphrase"
Then after boot when you login, run command:
# sudo ifup wlan0
Remember to comment out these lines when you get the stuff working, so that network manger won't ignore your wireless interface.
Thanks for the tutorial on ubuntu installation on Nokia booklet 3G.