
First mini-module based building blocks

To make mini-module more interesting I have added first two modules that help on writing apps, new modules and simplify sharing code between node.js and browsers. These modules are: mini-promise and events. As an addition, I have improved documentation and added somewhat naïve test code for mini-module and these new modules. You can check code in test/tester.js for hints how to use these modules. These modules have fairly accurate JSDoc documentation, so that might also help.


As name hints, mini-promise is a promise/future implementation build as a mini-module. There are all kinds of promise/future implementations available, but I have been using this one in my own projects for sometime now and finally decided to convert it into mini-module and publish the code. When I started to write this one, I was not aware of DOM Futures, so the API does not match with that one. Instead, I was inspired by some other promise implementation, but I cannot remember which one. In the end, I end-up writing my own, because the promise implementation I was trying to use did not handle synchronous payloads and I needed one that does. Another reason to write my own implementation was that I wanted to understand more about promises and futures and I think writing your own implementation is one the best ways to learn.

This module handles asynchronous and synchronous payloads. You can also force it to run asynchronously, if synchronous payload causes problems. It also caches results so that as long as you have a handle to the promise, your callback will be called even when promise finished before you register your callback. You can find the code from GitHub.


As you might guess, this is just to bring node.js events module into browser side so that you can use EventEmitter easily. By default all events are emit asynchronously, but if you wish you can force EventEmitter to call listeners synchronously. The code is also available in GitHub.

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